Help Shape Search Engine Land’s New Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors
If you have been involved in search engine optimization over the past few years, you have likely come across Search Engine Land’s Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors. Whether I’m working on a consulting arrangement with one of my clients or I’m working with my staff at the agency – the printouts are everywhere – from cubicle walls to internal training binders.
The value of the table is simple; It shows you in clear and concise ways how all of the general areas of ranking factors involved in SEO can be used (or not) help shape your rankings and traffic earning potenitial. If you’re carefully addressing all of the items in green and avoiding the red items consistently – you’re likely to be successful.
The greatest aspect about the Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors to me though is that it’s a crowd-sourced collaboration. And since the current version was last updated back in July, 2013 – it’s time to give this amazing resource an overhaul.
If you’d like to provide some input and direction on the current state of SEO, I’d strongly encourage you to spend 15-20 minutes to take the Periodic Table Of SEO Success Factors Survey.